Gods Vineyard Miracle Ministries

My Discipleship Ministry will be offering:

  • Life Coaching
  • Mentorship
  • Biblical Studies and Doctrine
  • Worship Music Ministry
  • Ministry of the Word
  • Chaplaincy

God’s Vineyard Miracle Ministries is a church with a Mandate for transformational Discipleship

Pastor Ola Emmanuel

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The Light Family Bible Church

The Light Family Bible Church of Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria, is led by Harley Adue and his wife, Success. The name ‘Light Family’ means ‘Those chosen by God to be Christ’s disciples [Christ representatives]’ (2 Corinthians 5:16-21). The name is so-given because Harley dreamt when he was preaching (wearing a blue suit) behind a pulpit in the middle of assembled believers, and he heard a voice out of that vision, “I called you to start your own ministry.” Before this dream, Pastor Harley had already seen a vision [dream] where he saw a white man wearing a blue suit in something that looked like a monitor or TV screen in the heavens [Sky], in 2016, and some Hebrew words written beside the white man on the screen. Out of that screen, a voice spoke, “You are a true son.” After Pastor Harley completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Divinity (BDiv), the Holy Ghost interpreted his dreams for him. Here’s the interpretation, “The first dream means that Pastor Harley will study in an online foreign Bible School and that this Bible school came from God with professors who are true believers (The white man in blue suit).  The second dream means that after his graduation he would be ready as a true believer to teach others the truth about God (That was the blue suit he was wearing). Now, those blue suits signify holiness (Exodus 39:22). In the  New Testament, light also means righteousness or holiness (Ephesians 5:8-9).  Therefore, the name The Light Family could also mean Ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Pastor Harley is the under-shepherd in charge of the sheep in The Light Family Bible Church, a registered Soul Centre of Christian Leaders Alliance. This Soul Center started in Harley’s apartment with his wife, Success. In the next 10 years, we hope to become a parent of a Network of sister churches as God commands.  The Light Family Bible Church would be planted all over Africa, right now, we have followers in Kilgoris and Milgori in Kenya who are working directly with Pastor Harley. Our God-given vision is ‘To see that Africans know the truth’ (John 8:32; 17:17). Our mission: ‘To teach sound doctrine to Africans and to combat prosperity gospel by our methods, Bible, and prayer’ (Titus 2:1; 1:9).