The LastBell Messengers “…are messengers of the churches, the glory of Christ” (2 Corinthians 8:23). We are local Missionaries, Disciple Makers, Intercessors, Church Planters, and the Builders of the Family of Christ as the Holy Spirit leads. We are the Messengers from all the churches of Christ who are called, ordained, and sent to the Field and Harvest of God. We seek the revival of all the churches of Christ in unceasing Missions and Evangelism, Discipleship, Prayer and Intercessory, and Apostolic Christian Education. We also have Muslim Background Believers who are discipled and equipped in the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. They are discipling more Muslims for Christ and are impacting many Muslim families to accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
Our Coming Together as an Interdenominational Ministry Group
The Holy Spirit led the LastBell Messengers to become a ministry organization through a Spirit-led revival of some of the Youth of the churches in Sampa, Jaman North District, Bono Region. The ministry started with membership from the Christ Apostolic Church International, Presbyterian Church of Ghana, the Body of Christ, Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, the Methodist Church Ghana, the Resurrection Power New Generation Church, Deeper Life Bible Church, the Apostles Continuation Church International, and Muslim Background Believers in Christ. During this revival, the Holy Spirit revived even pregnant women and nursing mothers to join the Dawn Broadcasting Team to preach Christ to communities.
The ministerial name “The LastBell Messengers” was inspired and given by the Holy Spirit during one of our prayer meetings in 2017. The Holy Spirit chose us and is still choosing from different churches and denominations to join other ministers who are called into the Field of God to sound “The Last Bell” heralding the Second Coming of Christ. We are the “apostolos” which is translated “Messengers” of the churches as the apostle Paul specifies in 2 Corinthians 8:23. Our missional slogan is “Messengers! The Truth.”
Our Calling to this Soul Center
The Lord has used the LastBell Messengers to disciple many Souls who are into diverse ministries in their respective churches and denominations. Some are ordained Pastors, local Elders, and Evangelist. Some are also into Music ministry, Worship ministry, Prayer and Intercession ministry, Youth ministry, Charity ministry, Preaching ministry, Men ministry, Church Cleaning ministry, and Care ministry.
With the Ordained Minister credential of our volunteered leader Daniel Ampong Antwi, we thank the Good Lord for using the Christian Leaders Alliance to equip the LastBell Messengers to minister at this Ministries organization Soul Center.
Who We Serve
Currently, we have lunched Christ and Clothing Mission (C-C-M) as our Ministerial Product. We are on mission. The mission to give Christ to “Naked Souls” and to “Cloth” them. We believe that this is the Will of God.
We are Messengers (Apostolos). Our mission is Christ Jesus; His Spirit-led missions and evangelism, discipleship, prayer and intercessions, and Apostolic Christian Education. We…“are messengers of the churches, a glory to Christ” (2 Corinthians 8:23). We give Christ to our communities, and disciple the Souls in our communities to wear and experience Christ.
Our Ministry
We are on a practical mission of the Gospel. We teach the Gospel; experience the Gospel; and live out the Gospel practically as Jesus commands the Church. God first gave the Gospel to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:15, “And…He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel.” He taught them to experience the practicality of the Gospel He had preached to them. The practicality of the Gospel is: “Then Yahweh God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and He clothed them” (3:21)
“Clothing” is a symbol of provision and satisfaction in Christ. Many are Souls naked in sin, poverty, lack of shelter, sickness, lack of education, the troubles in old age, family rejection, homelessness, widow, orphanage, divorce, marital problems, singleness, and lack of daily provision and satisfaction of basic necessities. We are on a mission to reach these “Naked Souls.”
We must give them Christ and Clothing. This mission is simultaneous. “Give them Christ and Clothing: Give them Clothing and Christ.” We are embarking on this mission as the ministerial package of the LastBell Messengers to confirm what the Holy Scripture specifies to all the Churches: “Therefore openly before the churches, show them the proof of your love and of our reason for boasting about you” (2 Corinthians 8:24).
Souls Involves: 53-60
We are volunteer ministers who minister through Missions and Evangelism, Discipleship, Prayer and Intercessory, Bible Studies, and Apostolic Christian Education. We minister to Naked Souls and give them both the physical and the spiritual clothing given by the Blood of Jesus and the resurrection power. We disciple these Souls to also become Disciple Makers in their communities. Our ministry is purely a volunteer ministry, and the Holy Spirit has been good to us to recruit more volunteer Messengers to serve His purpose through the LastBell Messengers.