Divine Oneness

The Divine Oneness Soul Center, led by CLA Credentialed Minister Maurita Hoskins, offers the following Services: Prayer, Biblical Life Coaching, Counseling, Navigating Conflict, Bible study, Abused women Counseling, Mentoring of women and men, Marriage Separation Counseling, Neighborhood Outreach, Victims Ministry, Partners of addicts Counseling and Widows Ministry.

Ezramiah Mission

Ezramiah Mission is founded and led by Laud K. Addo, holds a Christian Ministry Award from the Christian Leaders Institute and is both a Certified and Licensed Coaching Minister by the Christian Leaders Institute. He also holds an MSc in the Social Sciences and has a number of published articles.

The name Ezramiah is actually coined from the Biblical books of Ezra and Nehemiah; two strategic books which contain significant insights regarding the restoration of the Church and Body of Christ in these end times, even as we wait upon the Lord’s return. Ezramiah Mission was born out of a period of intense drawing-in by the Lord and this was typified by a strong spiritual urging for prayer and consecration.

During this period, the Lord begun to progressively reveal to the founder what and where he was leading him to. Having gotten clarity that there was a Calling into Ministry but not classical church Ministry was we know it, he had to spend more time with the Lord and to also read and expand his understanding. It was during his studentship at Christian Leaders Institute, that the Lord used the courses he was studying to bring clarity about the type and nature of his Calling.

Armed with this revelation, Laud has taken the needed steps, to lay the needed ground works for a successful commencement of Ezramiah Mission. There have been many challenges along the way, be it physically and spiritually and from within and outside “the Church”. But He has remained and continues to stand steadfast and committed to the Call of the Monarch of Zion.

Currently, the leader operates the Ministry on a part-time basis, but hopeful of giving it his full attention in the nearest future. Ezramiah Mission operates as a nondenominational, interdenominational entity with the Body of Christ but based on clear lines of Doctrine/Statement of Faith in conformity to the Statement of Faith of the CLA Soul Center. We are open to collaborate with any person or individual who shares in our mandate and ideals, and work towards the end goal of His Kingdom Come, His Will Be Done on Earth.

Branches also in:

Africa Office
8 Teiko Aduemi Street
Dansoman – Accra, Ghana
Europe Office
Biljmerdreef 1239
1103 TX, Amsterdam

Gods Vineyard Miracle Ministries

My Discipleship Ministry will be offering:

  • Life Coaching
  • Mentorship
  • Biblical Studies and Doctrine
  • Worship Music Ministry
  • Ministry of the Word
  • Chaplaincy

God’s Vineyard Miracle Ministries is a church with a Mandate for transformational Discipleship

Pastor Ola Emmanuel

FaceBook Page

Gospel Addicts Global Church

Gospel Addicts Global Church was established in 2014, founded on Psalms 67:2 (TLB): “Send us around the world with the news of Your saving power, and Your eternal plan for all mankind”, by Ordained Commissioned Minister and Teacher Rudi Ferreira; reaching 180+ countries with the Message of Salvation.

The Ferreira family was saved in 2009, where they surrender to our Lord, Jesus Christ. Since then, Pastor Rudi served in the capacity of the local church leadership (Christ Embassy Int.) in the following roles:

  • Senior Leadership
  • Teacher of the Foundation School
  • Leading the Evangelistic Team
  • Assistant Pastor
  • Associate Pastor
  • Leading Leadership Meetings & Training alongside the Senior Pastor.
  • Church Planting

◘ In 2013, Pst. Rudi was released to work alongside an international ministry; training leadership, ministering at the men’s rehab home, and evangelism.

◘ In 2014, Pst. Rudi established the Virtual Church, now known as Gospel Addicts Global Church (while still assisting at the rehab home; and working with the local leadership).

◘ In 2015, Pst. Rudi and his wife started assisting various ministries, in training church leadership, establishing leadership structure and church culture; and also assisting pastors in various ways.

◘ In 2018, Pst. Rudi became a student at Christian Leaders Institute; where he also started volunteering in assisting South African students with their study paths in 2019.

◘ In 2020, Pst. Rudi and his wife joined hands with his brother-in-law (during the Covid pandemic), where they ministered deliverance to families in various needs.

◘ In 2022, Pst. Rudi started working for Christian Leaders Alliance.

◘ In 2023, Pst. Rudi and his wife joined a Prophetic Deliverance Ministry (to current).

Gospel Addicts Global offers the following services:

  • Guest Speaker in the greater Durban area.
  • Local Church Leadership Training (face-to-face); and international Leadership Training (through the Virtual Church)
  • Pastoral Care & Assistance.
  • Counseling of Individuals, Couples, Families.
  • Street Evangelism.
  • Deliverance & Healing Ministry.

The vision of Gospel Addicts is to reach mankind with a sound understanding on the importance of cultivating a healthy walk with God. A large part of the Virtual Church’s purpose is to make available free teaching content to equip ministers with sound Biblical teachings (based on knowledge & revelation), which they can use to teach and equip their members, ‘multiplying ourselves in others’. While the content of the Virtual Church has a focus on ministers and church leadership, the content shared is beneficial to every Christian; and/or, folks interested in Christianity, with a message of simplicity to reach the nations of the world.

Over the years, the Lord has led Pst. Rudi and his wife through the 5-fold ministry: Apostles | Prophets | Evangelist | Pastors | Teachers.

Pst. Rudi works remotely for Christian Leaders in the running operations of the Christian Leaders Network as Host. He is also a member of the CLA – Global Ministers Commission, the Administrator of Soul Centers, the overseer of the Minister Mobilization Center (MMC) of Africa and the CLA-SA MMC-Soul Center. Furthermore, Pst. Rudi is also a Mission Multiplier with CLA; and a Peace Ambassador with PeaceFire; and lastly, he is a Global Kingdom Minister & Mission Multiplier @ CLA-South Africa

Contact Details:

Email Address: gospeladdictsglobal@gmail.com

Contact Number: +27 68 257 4919

Ministry Insights:

Gospel Addicts Global – Virtual Church

  • Visitors from 188 countries (out of 196 countries)
  • Nearly 80’000 visitors from around the world.

Top 5 visitor Countries are:

  • 10’300+ United States of America
  • 7’700+ South Africa
  • 2’700+ Nigeria
  • 2’300+ United Kingdom
  • 1’900+ India

Pst. Rudi FaceBook (5.7k+ followers)

Other: YouTube | TikTok | Instagram

Coming Soon: Knowledge & Revelation (Study Portal)

Affiliation: Genesis Family Church SA

Halieus Ministry Church Soul Centre

Mission: To serve the spiritual and educational needs of the community, The Soul Centre is dedicated to providing guidance and instruction grounded in biblical principles and moral standards.

Core Activities:

Engages in regular preaching, harnessing effective communication skills and a deep understanding of God’s Word.
Aims to inspire and guide the congregation with biblically grounded, morally focused messages.
Prioritizes sermon preparation and delivery that connects scripture with daily life and ethical living.

Christian Education:
Develops and conducts regular weekly Biblical educational sermons.
Focuses on Christian living and biblical ethics, tailored to meet the needs of various groups within the church.
Utilizes a commitment to moral teachings for curriculum development, ensuring effective and engaging instruction.

Growth and Development:
Committed to continuous learning and adaptation to address the congregation’s evolving spiritual and educational needs.
Implements regular feedback and evaluation to enhance the quality and impact of preaching and educational offerings.

The Soul Centre stands as a pillar of spiritual growth and moral development, enriching the lives of its members and the broader community through dedicated preaching and education based on biblical truths and ethical standards.

Heal Side Church Soul Center

In Heal Side Church we like people to know about the Lord and we are hospitable people of God and it will be a blessing for us to serve you.

Services we offer at Heal Side Church:

  • Prayer and worship
  • Community Bible study
  • Pre-marriage counseling
  • Pre-divorce counseling
  • Family affairs counseling
  • Kingdom ministry(outreach)
  • Prayer camp meetings
  • Youth ministry

Email us at: mtongwamne@gmail.com

ICAM Lifestyle Ministries

ICAM Lifestyle Ministries is led by Ordained Commissioned Minister Kudakwashe Masarira. Kudakwashe is Working at Kwekwe General Hospital, Zimbabwe as Registered Nurse as well as Advanced Practice Nurse where he is also sharing the love of God to those that are physically and mentally incapacitated due to ill health.

Ministerial Offerings
Officiant Services
Marriage Support Services
Matchmaking Ministry
Sexual Addiction Ministry
Drug / Alcohol Ministry
Navigating Conflict
Youth Ministry
Health Ministry
Sick Ministry
Men Ministry

Kingdom Community Ministry

Kingdom community ministry has three major service units, such as evangelism, discipleship, and training. The evangelism unit aims to reach the unreached ones with the gospel of Christ and plant churches, while the discipleship unit aims to make fellow believers kingdom-oriented disciples of Christ. The training unit, on the other hand, prepares the disciples for ministry and directs them to repeat the cycle.

Laus Deo Ministries International

Pastors Paddick & Roelien Van Zyl has a vision for marriages and families. They want to see not just lives transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, but marriages and relationships as well.

They have been married for 17 awesome years and have 2 amazing boys, Brandon & Tristan. Paddick & Roelien held various leadership and lay pastoral roles over the years and in 2022, started full time ministry with Roelien as Snr pastors of Laus Deo ministries Int (LDMi). They have great plans as well as a vision from the Lord for the ministry to grow globally into a counselling and marriage ministry. Their approach in counselling is based on the Word of God and biblical principles. With these principles they utilize the power and truth of the Word of God to bring about peace, hope and healing.

​Their vision and mission is to preach the gospel to every nation, continent and country.

Laus Deo Ministries International is an inter-dependent, non-denominational​, Christian church, made up of Christians from different backgrounds, races, language groups and nationalities and we unite in loving, serving and worshipping God. At Laus Deo Ministries International, we believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of the living God, and is therefore the set standard regarding our faith, doctrine, conduct and life, thus governing all our activities at Laus Deo Ministries International (LDMI)


– Global Church planting
– Evangelism training, empowerment & support for newly beginning churches
– Equipping saints for ministry; mentee ministerial training
– Prayer; weekly community faith & prayer school, annual house of prayer discipleship camp
– Bible study & pulpit preaching and teaching
– Pre-marital counseling and officiation
– Fellowships; Church, youth, families, children’s church
– Conferences; Holy Spirit conference and Kingdom Establishment conference
– Primary, high School and community liberation of the next generation evangelism
– Success leadership counseling, coaching, mentoring & prayer for full-time ministers, students, educators and Christian professionals in different platforms
– Annual rehabilitation retreat center
– Community humanitarian projects; children’s development center & orphanage homes, elderly care homes, community basic needs volunteer & provision, education empowerment, prayer & medical missions, full-time minister’s empowerment.

– Life Changing Bible and Ministry University operating as a Mentor center for CLI
– Offering Free Bible, Ministry & Christian business management and entrepreneurship
– We offer free Mentoring & ordination of ministers
– Annual Success leadership conference
– We are given an educational mandate for private primary and High Schools and technical college.

• We offer this through Global Christian Community Development Ministry and offering the following ministries;
– Glory of the latter house unity program
– International Church unity conference
– Healing of the nations prayer altar
– Healing School
– Prayer & medical missions center
– Clergy forum
– Business forum
– Annual Messianic Evangelism Explosion conference

We are Patrick and Zamanhlane Phakathi, married since 2010. We have two biological children and two adopted. We are both graduates from the University of Eswatini. We are also graduates from different correspondence theological schools. We both resigned from our permanent government high School teaching employment in response to God’s call to serve as fulltime senior pastors at Life Changing International Church and president for other church linked ministries; Life Changing Bible and Ministry University and Global Christian community development. Patrick is a mentor center volunteer for Christian Leaders Institute enrolling students from different nations and a continuing student.

We both started walking with God from our youthful stage in High School. We have been serving the Lord in our different churches even before we met and married in 2010. Patrick started and served as a youth and worship Pastor under the mentorship of his local pastor. Zamanhlane served the Lord in worship and in ushering ministries under the mentorship of her local pastor. The Lord revealed the calling into ministry before starting to serve as a youth pastor and upon sharing the call to Tema during our varsity days the Lord just knitted us into the calling. After marriage, we started the church as God instructed and we continued to grow through observational learning from our mentor, teachings from our spiritual parent, listening from ministers around the world as well as enrolling to study in theological schools including Christian Leaders Institute. We are both committed in spiritual growth plan and serving the Lord together. Glory to Jesus Christ! The passion that binds us together in ministry is, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10 TLV)

Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but the purpose of the Lord prevails (Proverbs 19: 21). The Lord Jesus Christ spoke to me (Patrick) during my youth and said, “I do not want you to take the responsibility to be a local Pastor in this church (my local church, back then as a young person), but I want you to grow so that you start a church for me in 2010. Until 2010, you have to serve me under the mentoring of the local pastor”. I conveyed this message to my local pastor and by the grace of God she believed it and gave me an opportunity to serve as youth pastor under her mentoring. When I shared this calling to Tema she received it with joy and believed it. We started the Life Changing church in 2010 while we both worked as permanent high School teachers. The Lord instructed to be fulltime into ministry. In 2021, my wife got a transfer to teach in a school close to our home and she stayed alone while I stayed with the kids. She came to me and said the Lord has spoken to her that in the year 2022 she must resign with me and we both venture into the full-time ministry. Glory to Jesus Christ, we are now doing the perfect will of God by serving in this soul center!

We serve the Life Changing International Church members, Life Changing Bible and Ministry university students, Christian leaders Institute students, students in community Schools, ministers and believers around the world through our online daily morning devotion and weekly healing School.

We have been given passion to equip the saints for personal spiritual growth and discovering their ministries to serve God. Patrick enjoys developing training modules more mainly in leadership and ministry. He also enjoys supervising research projects for students and has developed a ministry research program based on the inspiration of Luke 1:1-4. Patrick is into the apostolic and prophetic leadership and full-time church development. Patrick enjoys seeing the saints formally trained and encouraged to grow to serve the Lord with sincere maturity and competence. Zamanhlane is into the prophetic intercession and enjoys encouraging and coaching the saints on prayer and intercession which has led her to discover the call to lead an annual rehabilitation retreat center.

We minister through our weekly preaching, teaching and prayer fellowships; Community Faith and Prayer School, Kingdom diplomatic Sunday fellowships, annual conferences, crusades and seminars. We reach out to other nations through our WhatsApp ministries; daily morning devotion and weekly healing School. Moreover, we reach out to many through Life Changing Bible and Ministry University through which we serve many as CLI mentor center to reproduce more Christian leaders. We also minister to Primary and High School students weekly wining them to Christ, restoring hope and training them in success leadership.