A&M Life Coaching & Spiritual Counseling

The A&M Life Coaching and Spiritual Counseling of Indianapolis, Indiana, is led by Ordained Minister Danny C. Anderson Sr. PhD (Spiritual Philosophy) and his wife, Monika who is an Educator in the Public School system holding a master’s in education degree (M.Ed.) Danny is a retired public safety officer and Monika a current teacher, continue their full-time work with youth and young adults with over twenty years of experience each totaling forty plus years teaching and mentoring for the success of all mentees.

Ministerial Offerings include:

  • -Prayer
  • -Mentoring
  • -Education
  • -Officiant Services
  • -Marriage Ministry
  • -Conflict Resolution
  • -Spiritual Counseling

Getting to know us

Danny and Monika married in 2008, having three children (three stepchildren) and seven grandchildren (seven step grandchildren) and a host of adopted grandchildren. Danny and Monika adopted their furry dog babies and have tamed wildlife that enters their yard and interact. Danny is a retired Military member also who attended several colleges while on active duty. Danny holds an active Pilots License, and a graduate of Indiana Technical Institute and IMS. Monika is a graduate of Indiana University majoring in education with a special education endorsement and highly enjoys working with children putting over 100% into her work from the heart. Monika has the ability to teach non-English-speaking students to read/write/ and speak English fluently as shown in her success rate ensuring all children are properly equipped for society.

Our Coming to Christ and Calling to Ministry

We walked with God at an early age encouraged by our fathers to serve people, especially those that are at risk guiding them to purposeful life. Danny comes from a Catholic/Baptist background and Monika from a Protestant/ Catholic background. Our beliefs and humbleness have guided them into ministry of the lord word to help with the battle against the Satanic attacks observed on Television, Radio, Video Games, and Society that attempt to mis-guide people.

Our Calling to this Soul Center

We minister to all willing to listen and plant a seed into those that don’t listen or the non-believer by winning the person and not the argument. We are excited and thankful that the Christian Leaders Alliance has educated and equipped us to minister the fellowship soul center. We as volunteer ministers work with our community and schools. We attend the Veterans Memorial Chapel and soon to attend the Catholic Church once again to serve God and the community with the programs offered. Our fellowship Soul Center will be highly successful in collaboration with others.

Who We Serve

While serving at Christian Leaders Ministries, we minister to those that have an open heart and those that have questions and doubt to bring them closer to God and the truth.

Our Ministry

We are always excited to share the word of God and continue the work in Life Coaching and Ministry Counseling giving others the chance to welcome Jesus Christ and the Father into their lives and creating believers that will continue the work. We will have call in prayer, community prayer, and prayer for the sick and dying.

Souls Involved

2-30 for the mentoring and counseling that incorporate prayer. We minister to family members and have conducted marriage counseling. We have distributed bible readings to assist in starting points for comprehension and understanding. The practice will expand into other areas of worship in upcoming months with the grace of God.

Thanks Be to God

Minister Danny C. Anderson, PhD

First Lady, Monika Anderson, M.Ed.

Alpha Omega Soul Center

Alpha Omega Soul Center is run by credentialed Restored Life Minister and Ordained Minister Anastasios P Handrinos.

Ministerial offerings:

  • Visitation Ministry: Meeting the spiritual needs of those in nursing homes and in the hospitals.
  • Preaching and Teaching: Ministering the word and holding Bible studies
  • Community Outreaches: ministering to those out in the communities through events.
  • School Board Ministry: Standing up for parents and children’s rights.

I am currently single with no children, but I do have a dog named Chester. Chester has been with me for about seven years and he is currently 11 years old. Time has flown by quickly. The church that I currently attend is New Beginnings Baptist Church. The church is currently small with the potential for growth.

Currently, I have been in the ministry setting for about a year and am ready to move forward in the ministry setting. I spent about two years at Christian Leaders Institute studying and preparing for the ministry setting. I have earned my credentials, Christian Leaders Certificate, Christian Ministry Diploma, Diploma of Ministry, Diploma of Divinity, and a few awards. Lastly, I believe my quality education has prepared me for the ministry setting, and I am moving forward.

I am currently connected with a few pastors in the area by attending weekly pastors meeting and events through Somebody Cares of Tampa Bay and Somebody Cares of Pasco. Because of this, I have also met City of Port Richey Police Chief and the Mayor of Port Richey.

While attending my church, I have attended a missionary conference, and I have started supporting a missionary who has been called to serve in the Philippines. I have a heart for missions and do see the need for it.
Currently, I minister through prayer, and holding Bible Study at the nursing home that I serve at.

Ancient Future Faith Church Ministries of Las Vegas, Nevada

Ancient Future Faith Church Ministries is led by Ordained Credentialed Minister Chaplain Mark Warden. Mark works as a volunteer and on-call chaplain at Sunrise Hospital and Children’s Hospital, the largest Hospital in Las Vegas and the second-largest hospital in Nevada. Mark also works for Family First Hospice Care, LLC, as their hospice chaplain.

Ministerial Offerings

  • Prayer
  • Baptisms
  • Ministry to the Sick
  • Officiant Services
  • House Blessings
  • Chaplaincy
  • Marriage Ministry
  • Home Visits
  • Online Preaching and Teaching

Mark has been married to Rhodwina since 1988. They have two children and two grandchildren. Mark graduated from U C Irvine in 1986 and is working on his Clinical Pastoral Education units (CPE) at Sunrise Hospital. He is presently enrolled at Kairos University studying for his M. Div. Mark was ordained in 2022. Currently, Mark is a member of The Society Of St. Patrick and St. Aidan, which is part of The Communion Of Episcopal Churches (CEEC). Mark also is a licensed wedding officiant for the State of Nevada.

I grew up in the Episcopal Church and have always served in ministry as a layperson in the church throughout my walk. But it wasn’t until I came across the Christian Leaders Institute and Alliance that I got the ministry training I needed to be ordained. I am now moving forward in Chaplaincy Ministry. Currently, I have been received and accepted with Faculties into the Society of St. Patrick and Saint Aidan, so hold duel ordinations with CLA and them.

I am thankful that the Christian Leaders Alliance has called and equipped me to minister at this fellowship soul center. I minister to all I can here in Las Vegas. As a Chaplain at Sunrise Hospital, I minister to the patients and staff there. I also minister to the folks who are alone in their home and can’t, for whatever reason, get out.

Souls Involved: 1000+
Through Chaplaincy, I minister by being there for patients and staff through some of their darkest and most joyous times.

Awaken Liberty Church

A House Church by RJ Ilg out of Denver, Colorado, where you can find like-minded community. Let’s walk alongside each other in our unique journey’s of faith, waking our world with heaven’s wonder.

Instagram | FaceBook

Biblical Faith & Reasoning

Getting to Know Me:
I am David Lee Brown. I was raised in Orlando, Florida, and saved and baptized in the First Baptist Church Pine Castle in Orlando, Florida. Since 1979 I have been a born-again believer dedicated to serving my Lord, Jesus Christ. I spent 20 years in the US Navy as a Hospital Corpsman. Before completing my career, I earned a Bachelor of Science from George Washington University in Washington, DC. Since then, I’ve been a lifelong learner of the natural sciences and the Bible through reading and studying the Bible multiple times in self-study. Then I started my studies at Christian Leaders Institute in 2018. I have taught Sunday school to youth and adults. I’ve preached from the pulpit. Now I serve as a soul center for my community.
My Calling:
My calling is writing and teaching about all things Biblical. I completed and published my first book King David, Conflicting Worldviews, in 2013. I finished and published my second book, Transfigured to Serve, a Glimpse of Eternity, in 2014. I initially established my website to advertise my books, but I’ve added features over the years. I write an almost weekly Blog to share what I’ve learned and share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I’ve also posted sermons, a discipleship program, and my mission and statement of faith. I’ve done all this to open people’s hearts and minds to the saving knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
My Soul Center Calling:
Inspired by my new-found credentials from Christian Leaders Alliance, I’m opening my heart, knowledge, experience, and skills to my community as a soul center. My Biblical Faith & Reasoning soul center will serve my church, Proffit’s Grove Baptist Church, and my community through teaching, officiant services, and Life Coach services. In Jesus’ name!
Who I Serve:
I enjoy writing and teaching the Word of God to bring souls to the saving knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus to the English-speaking world. I also desire to serve my community by providing pre-marital counseling and wedding services for Christian couples. I also want to serve people in my community with Christian Life Coaching services. I intend to specialize in helping pastors, evangelists, and other church leaders through Life Coaching.
Souls Involved:
My “Author” page on Facebook has 308 followers, which is also my Biblical Faith & Reasoning Page. Many of them are not local, but many are, so I will serve any of them that are local and request my services. I’ll also continue to share my writing with the English-speaking world through my Biblical Faith & Reasoning soul center.

Faithful Cross Ministries


We are a brother-sister ministry team, James Kirkpatrick and Elizabeth Moses. We were born and raised in Maryland to Christian parents. We are Evangelical Christians that believe the Bible is God’s word. We truly believe that we should love all and help all and that we all have sin.

James Kirkpatrick:

I have always been a Christian, but I never fully understood the meaning of that statement and how powerful of a meaning that actually is until I truly put my full heart into Jesus back in 2017.

I am an Ordained minister and certified life coach from CLA. I am also a certified volunteer Firefighter in Maryland.

My goal is to receive my Associates Degree in Divinity from Christian Leaders College and eventually go for my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. I plan on taking all the classes CLI, CLA, and CLC have to offer. The more I know, the more I can offer and the more I can help. I truly care about helping people and doing God’s work. I also have a dream to teach a class for CLI one day.

I have developed a passion for Christian apologetics, Christian blogging, and Christian philosophy.
I currently have a Christian blog that I share my thoughts.
I am currently working on writing a few Christian books.

Besides my love for The Lord, I enjoy traveling, the beach, camping, my family, friends, and reading anything on history.

Elizabeth Moses:

I grew up in a Christian house, but it wasn’t until recently I realized I wasn’t fully putting my heart into my faith. My brother James Kirkpatrick was the one who inspired me and showed me Christian Leaders Institute. My goal is to earn my diploma from CLI and spread the word. I have a passion for music, art, administrative, helping people, animals, reading, and of course the Lord.

I also enjoy camping, traveling, my family, my friends, my puppy, and holidays.

Our past:

We know how hard this world can be and know how hard it is to deal with mental health issues as we both have battled anxiety, panic disorder, and depression. James also has Psoriatic Arthritis (an autoimmune disease).

We have been through the struggles of having no money, no house, and no food in the past. At one point in life, we were even living in a cheap tent in the woods and trying to catch fish just to have food to survive. But we knew in our heart everything would be okay during all the rough times because we had each other.

We’ve also had some of the greatest adventures together in life from vacations, having our own successful fishing YouTube channel, doing a podcast, we even had a music band together and performed on stage to raise money for charity.

Our Ministry:

We are currently a small house church with Bible studies, but we are working on growing. Our focus is primarily on spreading the gospel and helping people. We believe in loving all and helping all.

  • Officiant Services
  • Becoming A True Christian
  • Bible Study
  • Teaching
  • Online Ministry
  • YouTube and Web Ministries
  • Christian podcast.
  • Addiction issues
  • Praise and Worship
  • Homeless Ministry
  • Food/Clothing for Needy Ministry
  • Mentor Center
  • Conflict service
  • House church
  • Music
  • Fishing Club
  • Yearly Christian retreats.
  • Life coaching
  • Match making
  • Christian way of dating

We also want to have 

  • Christian retreats and events.
  • Start a seasonal Christmas carol group that sings Christmas carols around  neighborhoods, gives Christmas cards, and baked goods.
  • Have a free service where we help people find jobs, build resumes, and work with them on interview skills.
  • Christian event planning for special events such as weddings, birthdays etc.

We also want to teach some classes on our YouTube channel. We are currently working on filming a course called the Christian way which is focused on how to be a better Christian and how to help others as Christians in different ways.

We plan on sharing CLI, CLA, and CLC with everyone.

Upcoming plans:

We want this ministry to focus on preaching the gospel the way Jesus taught us. Some goals we have for this ministry are to make gift boxes, which will include things like food, personal hygiene kits, gifts, clothes, and a card with a personal prayer from us. It will also include information on the Christian Leaders’ Institute in these boxes to help with education and knowledge of the gospel. We also hope to include a paper in this box with local jobs that are currently hiring and locations of public libraries with computers to use to apply for jobs and to have access to the Christian Leaders Institute. We plan on starting this project this November 2023, with most of the money coming from us and also from us raising money by doing fundraisers. We want this ministry to eventually spread throughout the world.

Souls Involved:

We just started this ministry.

5 year plan:

Eventually, we want to do some ministry work overseas and also want to open a non-denominational church.

Also, we want to open a food kitchen, food center and a homeless shelter.

Visit our Blog / YouTube Channel

Flaming Wings & Swords Ministries U.P.C.I

“Flaming Wings & Swords Ministries U.P.C.I.” (United Pentecostal Christians International) offers pastoral care counseling and life coaching for everyone, as well as a free Bible Study for ladies every Wednesday evening at 7pm.
 There will be time at the Bible Study for sharing concerns, which is called “Share Care”. Ladies have the opportunity to share their experiences, thoughts and feelings related to difficulties raising children, job overload, mental health, and relationships.
(Parking at 142 School Street, Putnam, CT).
Sister Chantal is ordained clergy at CLA with training in Psychology and has experienced the tough side of life, having navigated through the storm successfully, wanting to give encouragement to those who are still in the storm.
The Share Care is confidential and meant for women to find a safe harbor where they will find hope and encouragement to stay strong. Other topics that will be discussed at the Share Care are grief, and healing from abuse and trauma.
Brother Chris Ryder is ordained clergy, who offers business life coaching to all men who want to start their own business as well as to those who struggle with staying in business. He will evaluate the situation  together with you and find the best solution. As a former business owner himself he knows the hurdles and struggles and will give helpful advice on the matter, might it be a specific question related to taxes or how to start a business in general.
Brother Chris Ryder has been missionary overseas for 8 years and can give missionaries who want to go overseas helpful insight on the matter, might it be how to adjust to other cultures, starting a house church or how to stay strong as a family in a foreign country.
Brother Chris and Sister Chantal have experienced persecution while being overseas and can give advice on how to defend yourself and your family, as well as how to recover from persecution.
Both are in ministry for over two decades.
Chris’s alma mater is the Apostolic Bible Institute, St.Paul, MN. He is also alumnus of CLI.
Chantal is alumna of CLI. Her certificates in Psychology were authorized by Yale, Johns Hopkins and the Wesleyan University, through an MOOC.
We specialize in, but are not limited to:
-grief counseling
-healing from abuse
-marriage counseling
-parent coaching
-suicide prevention
-business coaching
(Men’s Bible Study available upon request).
Flaming Wings & Swords Ministries U.P.C.I. has adopted the Ryder family motto: “Semper Robustus”, which means roughly translated: “Always Resilient”.
The word “robust” comes from the Latin word for oak tree.
Just like an oak tree, which resists every weather condition without being moved, so we resist all storms of life.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9 KJV
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;

Pastor Christopher Ryder’s CLA Directory Link 

Freewill Community Church

Freewill Community Church is an out reach to help the poor. We are a Church that believes in helping those who are in need. We will be having online services while we pray for a permanent building.

Full Faith Ministries

Full Faith Ministries is about ministering to communities through evangelism outreach and connecting people to their local church. We bring worship and the sharing of the word through conferences, revival meetings, and other special community events. We also have a local church, and we are developing a community center where people can come and have their needs ministered too, as well as providing an opportunity to “hang out” in a safe place. Our ministry helps those with their needs, in the areas of prayer, officiant services, bible study, and providing some assistance in their physical needs.
As we work the “great commission” in this ministry we will have 3 focus areas
1. Jerusalem- through our local church we will continue to help our outreach event coordinator and the local community leaders hold community events.
2. Judea- We will bring evangelistic revival meetings and conferences to churches and communities throughout the region.
3. Ends of the earth- We continue to serve our local church by overseeing and coordinating the international broadcast. We will also be coordinating with area ministries and assisting them with oversee missions.

Deuteronomy 31:12,13- Assemble the people- men, women and children, and the foreigners residing in your towns- so they can listen and learn to fear the Lord your God and follow carefully all the words of this law. Their children who do not know this law, must hear it and learn to fear the Lord you God as long as you love in the land your are crossing the Jordan to possess.
Proverbs 22:6- Teach the children on the way they should go, and when they are old, they will not depart from it.

Grace Wind Life

Grace Wind Life is an internet ministry that delivers daily devotionals, poetry, and written sermons.

Mission Statement: Grace Wind Life

Grace Wind Life is a place where we use modern technology to share the teachings of Jesus Christ and support people in their journey to become better followers of God in today’s world. Through our website, we provide written devotionals, poetry, and sermons to help individuals connect with God and grow spiritually.

Embracing Modern Life, Growing Spiritually

In our fast-paced world, it can sometimes feel challenging to stay connected with our faith. At Grace Wind Life, we understand these struggles and are here to support you. Our website is designed to help you bridge the gap between your daily life and your spiritual beliefs. We believe that by embracing the tools and opportunities of modernity, we can deepen our relationship with God and grow in our understanding of His teachings.

Written Devotionals: Feeding Your Soul with God’s Words

Devotionals are like daily doses of spiritual nourishment. They’re short readings that offer insights into the Bible and God’s message. Each devotional is crafted to resonate with your heart and provide guidance for your journey of faith. Whether you’re facing challenges or seeking inspiration, our devotionals are here to accompany you and remind you of God’s presence in your life.

“God’s words guide us, like a lamp lighting our path through life.” – Psalm 119:105

Visual Devotionals: Seeing God’s Love in Pictures

In addition to written content, Grace Wind Life offers visual devotionals, using images and artwork to convey God’s love and message in a visually engaging way. These visual representations serve as reminders of His presence and inspire reflection and contemplation. Whether through photographs, paintings, or digital art, our visual devotionals aim to deepen your spiritual connection and provide a fresh perspective on faith.

“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” – Psalm 119:18

Poetry: Speaking to Your Heart

Poetry has a unique way of touching our emotions and speaking to our souls. At Grace Wind Life, we use poetry as a means of expressing and exploring our relationship with God. Through the beauty of language and imagery, our poets convey profound truths about God’s love, grace, and mercy. Whether you’re a poetry enthusiast or simply seeking a deeper connection with your faith, our poetry section invites you to reflect, meditate, and find solace in the presence of God.

“Let God’s message live in your hearts through songs, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude.” – Colossians 3:16

Written Sermons: Learning About God Online

Sermons are like virtual classrooms where we gather to learn and grow in our faith. At Grace Wind Life, our written sermons offer insights into the teachings of Jesus Christ and their relevance to our lives today. Each sermon is grounded in scripture and filled with practical wisdom to help you navigate life’s challenges with faith and courage. Whether you’re seeking guidance, encouragement, or simply a deeper understanding of God’s word, our sermons are here to inspire and uplift you on your spiritual journey.

“Teach God’s message, always ready to help others, correcting them when they are wrong, and teaching them patiently.” – 2 Timothy 4:2

Guiding You, Strengthening Your Faith

Navigating the complexities of life can sometimes feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Grace Wind Life, we’re here to walk alongside you and support you every step of the way. Whether you’re grappling with doubts, facing difficult decisions, or simply seeking encouragement, our community is here to provide guidance, prayer, and support. Together, we can strengthen our faith, deepen our relationship with God, and find hope and comfort in His unfailing love.

“God has good plans for you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Come Join Us!

We invite you to take a moment to pause, breathe, and join us at Grace Wind Life. Whether you’re a longtime believer or someone exploring faith for the first time, there’s a place for you here. Let’s journey together as we seek to follow Jesus in today’s world, learning, growing, and finding hope in His promises.

“Those who trust in God will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles.” – Isaiah 40:31